2023 ELECTIONS: Dr Stop It hails Saviour Kasukuwere, blasts Ngwena’s govt


My Dear People.

It would be a travesty if I don’t start this letter without applauding Tyson for filing his papers to contest in the presidential election on August 23.

That he has done this when Ngwena’s regime is looking to put him behind bars on spurious charges shows that finally we have someone of substance who can take over the incumbent whose strength is not in wisdom or probity but guns and tanks.

Gushungo would have been proud that one of the individuals he nurtured has taken up the reins to remove the clueless Lacoste leader whose incompetent leadership was exposed soon after the gunpowder from 2017 cleared.

This is what real men of substance are made of and not the two-faced Jonso who is a byword of betrayal.

Soon after crying “Thank you Mama” after I saved his skin during the coup, he has now gone on hands and knees to grovel for forgiveness to the Ngwena led Zanu PF.

The levels of treachery by this bespectacled flip flopper, holed up somewhere in East Africa, is astounding and a mockery to everything Gushungo stood for.

He is now clearly rooting for Mthuli, who has turned the country into an economic backwater with a currency that loses value on a daily basis in the upcoming elections which clearly speaks volumes of the lack of judgement by this latter day Judas Iscariot.

The day of submitting nomination papers for aspiring presidents, MPs and councillors has come and gone and what we witnessed shows that opportunism and double standards are well and truly alive in the country’s political terrain.

We had one Trust Chikohora and Lovemore Madhuku among others scurrying to put together US$20 000 to contest the presidential election that they do not have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.

However, it is understandable why they have soldiered on to contest because the bigger picture is not about winning the election, it is about justification to get their snouts back on the feeding trough that is the Political Actors Dialogue, a farcical grouping of losers whose main role is to bootlick Ngwena and receive trinkets such as motor vehicles and allowances in return.

These political charlatans are hoping to once again be part of this outfit known more for admiring the Lacoste leader’s fishpond at his farm in Kwekwe than proffering any solutions that would resuscitate the country’s ailing economy.

Then we have Linda Masarira, who has complained bitterly about the astronomical charges of US$20 000 for one to contest for the top job in the land.

This is the same person who, less than two years ago, called for nomination fees for presidential candidates to be increased to between US$25 000 and US$50 000 or the equivalent of the useless local currency to limit fly-by-night politicians. Unopenga!!!

It seems Masarira, who is not the sharpest tool in the shed, and consistency are like oil and water.

They don’t mix kkkkk.

Ngwena’s loudspeaker is at it again almost as if he has made spewing nonsense a national pastime.

This week he was promising that big changes are loading in the economy when his beleaguered party wins the elections.

It begs the question why these changes, if at all meaningful, were not effected during Ngwena’s first term in office.

Given the evidence of the changes effected by Ngwena since 2018 on the economic front such as introducing a currency that spawned unprecedented levels of poverty, bringing about power cuts that lasted up to 18 hours a day and crippling business, one would be forgiven for dreading the changes the leader of the dispensation of darkness, confusion and poverty will conjure up this time should he get another five-year term.

We have always known that the MDC-T led by Douglas Mwonzora are a waste of space as far as the political front is concerned.

This is evidenced by the trouncing it suffered in last year’s by elections where it failed to garner a single seat.

Just when it did not seem possible, this week, this rabble plumbed further lows.

This is after 19 National Assembly aspiring candidates from MDC T were disqualified after they failed to pay nomination fees and 22 nomination forms for the National Assembly were rejected after the candidates submitted the forms and disappeared.

As if that was not enough humiliation, four aspiring candidates for National Assembly Women’s quota had their nominations placed on hold as their payments did not go through because of network challenges.

This shameful circus by Mwonzora and Co has soiled the MDCT brand and its founder Morgan Tsvangirai must be turning in his grave at this outrage.

It is no wonder some party members such as Komichi are toiling day and night to remove that clown Dhagi, who unsurprisingly had no problems paying to contest for the presidential seat.

I watched in shame as Monica embarrassed the country in interviews with South African broadcasters last week.

It must have been stage fright for poor Monica as she is used to being interviewed by the likes of Reuben Barwe on DeadBC where Zanu PF politicians are allowed to interview themselves.

Her performance on Newzroom Africa vindicated my position that the Lacoste cabinet is full of incompetent people that will be nowhere near government positions in functional countries.


Gushungo chete chete

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

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