I caught my girlfriǝnd having ƨǝx with another mɑn at a lodge. Should I forgive her?


Dear Aunty Lisa,

I am heartbroken and don’t know what to do. I caught my girlfriǝnd having ƨǝx with another guy at a lodge following a tip-off.

When I confronted her, she broke down crying and begging for forgiveness. She said it was a mistake and won’t happen again. I l0ve her so much but I don’t know if I can ever trust her again. Please give me some advice.




Aunty Lisa Responds:

Dear Heartbroken,

I’m so sorry this happened to you. Chǝɑting is always painful and a huge betrayal of trust. Only you can decide if you can truly forgive your girlfriǝnd and move past this. But if you do decide to try again, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Take some time. Don’t make any big decisions right away while emotions are still running high. Take a few days to think things through.
  • Set clear boundaries. If you decide to stay in the relɑtionship, set clear expectations going forward. Let her know specific behaviours that you won’t tolerate.
  • Rebuild trust slowly over time. Trust is hard to rebuild after cheɑting, so be patient. Take things one step at a time. The first step is an honest conversation about what happened and why.
  • Consider seeking professional help. A couples counselor could help you both communicate effectively and work through this hurt in a healthy way.
  • Focus on your own healing. Whether you choose to stay with her or not, prioritize your own peace and recovery from this betrayal. Take time for yourself.

Ultimately, only you know if this relɑtionship is worth fighting for. Forgiveness is a choice, but it takes time. Don’t rush into any decisions. Focus on processing your emotions and figuring out your boundaries going forward. I wish you the very best in figuring this out. Please know that however you choose to move forward, you deserve so much better than being cheɑted on. Stay strong.

Yours truly,

Aunty Lisa

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