Chaos as man returns home from South Africa with a knife after hearing about wife’s infidǝlity


A Harare man who allegedly stabbed his wife with a knife three times in the back while they were slǝǝping after suspecting that she was having extrɑ-maritɑl ɑffɑirs during his absence has appeared in court.

Achievement Mandishara (35) appeared before Harare regional magistrate Mrs Marehwanazvo Gofa charged with attempted murder.

The State denied him bail stating that Mandishara was on a warrant of arrest from CID Bindura where he is being charged with armed robbery for a 2020 case.

The State led by Mr Lancelot Mutsokoti alleged that on May 11, Mandishara returned home in Highfields from South Africa where he works.

Before his return, he was having misunderstandings with his wife Shamiso Mbizi (35) over infidǝlity issues.

He alleged that his informants were telling him that Mbizi was having extrɑ-maritɑl ɑffɑirs and was being dropped off at home by different vehicles belonging to her boyfriǝnds prompting him to return to Zimbabwe.

On May 12, the court heard that at around 7pm, Mbizi was slǝǝping on the bed when her husband asked her to face him and she complied.

Later Mandishara asked his wife if it was okay to switch off the light, which he went to do. Moments later he woke up from the bed and took a knife that was in his bag and placed it on top of the wardrobe.

Mbizi asked him what he was looking for and he told her that he was taking some chocolates and was willing to share them if she wanted but she refused.

He returned to the bed but this time slǝpt facing the opposite side and immediately he grabbǝǝd his wife by the neck and stabbed her with a knife in her back demanding she reveal all her boyfriǝnds.

Mbizi pleaded for mercy, but out of anger, he stabbed her two more times in the back threatening to kill her if she did not reveal the truth.

Mandishara also told her that he had taken the gas stove and match sticks to light up the house after killing her.

She pleaded again for forgiveness and he released Mbizi who then asked him to bandage her wounds with bed sheets since she was bleeding.

Mandishara then hired a taxi to take her to the clinic while on the other hand, Mbizi contacted her workplace and informed them about the attack.

Mandishara took her to a private clinic in Southerton where she was admitted and treated.

It was the doctor who attended to her that advised Mbizi’s workmates to inform her relatives to file a police report.

Mandishara went back home where he burnt all the blood-stained sheets and was found still burning them by Mbizi’s mother.

The matter was reported to the police leading to his arrest.

— Herald

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