Pray for Mai TT: Prophet’s chilling prophecy comes true as legal troubles mount for Felistas Murata


Social media personality Mai TT, whose real name is Felistas Murata, is facing legal troubles and health concerns after a prophecy about her downfall.

South Africa-based Prophet Mellontik Orasi predicted misfortune for a Zimbabwean socialite that would “lead to neural disorders or nervous breakdown.”

In July 2020, Prophet Orasi prophesied that a Zimbabwean socialite would face “great misfortunes before crashing down.” Although he did not name Mai TT directly, many believed the prophecy referred to her.

This week, Mai TT was sentenced to 9 months in jail for theft of a hired car that she gave to a loan shark after borrowing $10,000. The court sentenced her to 12 months, but suspended 6 months on the condition she does not reoffend in the next 5 years.

During vetting for community service, authorities discovered Mai TT had defaulted on a previous community service sentence in 2015. For that previous default, the court sentenced her to an additional 3 months in jail.

In light of these legal troubles and jail sentence, Prophet Orasi’s prophecy about the downfall and potential health issues for a Zimbabwean socialite seems to have applied to Mai TT.

Last night, Prophet Orasi gave a chilling warning about Mai TT’s deteriorating health. “Pray for Mai TT. I am seeing a very fast health deterioration. I just said it,” he posted.

His warning has caused concern. With her legal troubles mounting, the prophecy of her world “crashing down” appears to be coming to pass.

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