JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!: ZRP in massive recruitment drive, police boss Ass Comm Nyathi issues statement

Commissioner Paul Nyathi

The Zimbabwe Republic Police Service has launched a recruitment drive to boost its human resources as it undergoes transformation, but warns citizens to beware of potential fraudsters.

ZRP spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the recruitment in a statement, saying, “The Zimbabwe Republic Police is recruiting suitably qualified candidates who are Zimbabwean citizens, physically fit to join the organisation as general duty constables and train for a diploma in Police Studies at Morris Training Depot, an affiliate of the University of Zimbabwe.”

Applicants must be between 18 and 22 years old, and have at least five O-level passes including Maths, English, and a Science subject in no more than two sittings. They must also be at least 1.68 meters tall for men and 1.62 meters for women, weigh at least 59kg for men while females should weigh proportionately to their height, and complete a 5km run in 20 minutes for men and 25 minutes for women.

While encouraging qualified citizens to apply, Asst Comm Nyathi cautioned the public to beware of fraudsters trying to take advantage of the drive.

The recruitment exercise aims to boost ZRP’s human resources as the police service undergoes major transformation to rebuild public trust and reform its operations.

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