ZANU PF SHAKING IN ITS BOOTS!: Kasukuwere’s shadow campaign plots Mnangagwa’s downfall from afar


President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ruling Zanu PF party is fuming after exiled politician Saviour Kasukuwere, a key challenger in next month’s presidential election, erected two towering campaign billboards in the capital Harare.

Kasukuwere, a former minister and Zanu PF political commissar, is mounting a seditious bid for the presidency from his self-imposed exile in South Africa. The regime claims he would be arrested on bogus criminal charges if he returns home.

File Picture: Saviour Tyson Kasukuwere with then First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe

In a vindictive move, authorities have ordered advert companies to seek approval before erecting any more billboards for Kasukuwere. But the rebel candidate has defiantly hit back, accusing Zanu PF of “being scared” of his challenge.

Kasukuwere faces legal obstacles in his presidential campaign, with a Zanu PF activist challenging his candidacy in court. The High Court initially ruled against him, but Kasukuwere has appealed to the Supreme Court, where a hearing is scheduled for today.

As election day approaches on August 23, tensions are rising between the regime and its former comrade turned dissident. But Kasukuwere seems determined to defy Zanu PF and assert his claim to the presidency – even from beyond Zimbabwe’s borders!

The question now is: will authorities continue to crack down on Kasukuwere’s campaign – or will fear of international condemnation restrain them? Either way, it seems certain this political drama is only set to escalate ahead of next month’s pivotal vote.

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