Tragedy strikes as madman murders innocent pedestrian in CBD


A tragic incident occurred in Kwekwe’s Central Business District on July 26th, 2023, when a mentally ill man allegedly struck a 23-year-old man with a rock, resulting in his death. The Midlands police spokesperson, Emmanuel Mahoko, confirmed the incident as a case of murder.

According to reports, the victim was walking along a pavement in the company of a friend when the suspect, Rodrick Hove, 21, of Redcliff, who was going in the opposite direction, picked up a stone from the ground and hurled it at the victim, hitting him on the back of his head. The victim fell unconscious immediately, and Hove was apprehended by members of the public.

The victim was rushed to Kwekwe General Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead upon admission. The deceased was identified as a 23-year-old man from Rutendo suburb in Redcliff.

Hove, who is suspected to be mentally ill, has been taken into police custody and is awaiting further investigations. Mahoko confirmed that the police are treating the incident as a murder case.

The tragic incident has sent sh0ckwaves through the community, and residents have expressed their condolences to the victim’s family. The Midlands police have urged members of the public to report any suspicious behavior by mentally ill individuals to the authorities to avoid such violent incidents in the future.

The incident serves as a reminder of the need to address mental health issues in our society and provide the necessary support and treatment to those who require it.

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