Political fate at crossroads: Saviour Kasukuwere’s presidential bid hangs in the balance


In a sensational twist, self-exiled presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere is now placing all his bets on the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) to rule in his favour just before the printing of ballot papers begins. The clock is ticking, and the pressure is on!

During a gripping case management session on Thursday, ConCourt judge Justice Paddington Garwe dropped a bombshell, announcing that the printing of the crucial ballot papers would commence on Wednesday. With the stakes so high, Garwe emphasized that the case must be swiftly resolved before that fateful day.

In a surprising turn of events, Kasukuwere’s legal representative, advocate Method Ndhlovu, gave consent to have the case heard on Tuesday, leaving the judges with a nail-biting race against time to deliver their ruling before the ink hits the paper.

Representing the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec), lawyer Tawanda Kanengoni concurred, confirming that the printing of postal ballots is set to commence on Wednesday, adding even more urgency to the situation.

Kasukuwere’s candidacy was challenged by a member of Zanu PF, resulting in the High Court nullifying his bid and forcing him to take his battle to the Supreme Court. Unfortunately for Kasukuwere, the Supreme Court upheld the High Court’s ruling, leaving him no choice but to make a desperate plea to the ConCourt.

In his appeal, Kasukuwere argued that the Supreme Court’s decision encroached upon his right to legal protection. He boldly asserted, “The decision of the Supreme Court does violate the common law of Zimbabwe and is, in fact, an abrogation of the judicial function.”

With the clock ticking and the printing presses ready to roll, all eyes are now on the ConCourt as the fate of Kasukuwere’s presidential bid hangs in the balance. Will the court deliver a last-minute twist, or will Kasukuwere’s hopes be dashed just in time for the printing of the crucial ballot papers? Stay tuned for the electrifying conclusion to this political rollercoaster!

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