Dumped for being poor: Meet 88-year-old Sekuru Willard Masire, nursing a 31-year heartbreak


Sekuru Willard Masire, 88, struggles with a decades-long heartbreak

In a heart-wrenching tale spanning over three decades, Sekuru Willard Masire, 88, remains haunted by a profound heartbreak. The source of his anguish stems from his wife’s abrupt departure in 1992, leaving him shattered and alone.

Residing at the Melfort Old People’s Home, Sekuru Masire recently opened up about his painful past during a greenhouse handover ceremony organized by Delta Beverages on Thursday. He revealed that his wife had abandoned him due to his impoverished state at the time.

Recalling their past, Sekuru Masire shared that they had two children together, but he never had the chance to see them since the day his wife left. “My wife deserted me, and for the past 31 years, it has been a constant struggle to forget about her,” he lamented.

Explaining the circumstances surrounding her departure, Sekuru Masire disclosed that she left because he had not paid the bride price to her family. He had hoped that she would return, but she vanished without a trace. During their time together, she persistently insulted him, causing him immense distress and denying him any sense of peace.

Originating from Malawi, Sekuru Masire remains unaware of his own relatives and has forgotten the exact location of his childhood home. Reflecting on his upbringing, he revealed that he never had the opportunity to meet his parents, further deepening his sense of loss and disconnection.

Despite the profound sorrow that engulfs his life, Sekuru Masire finds solace in the care he receives at the Melfort Old People’s Home. Expressing gratitude, he stated, “They provide us with excellent care here, and I would give anything to continue staying in this comforting environment. They are doing a remarkable job helping us cope with the circumstances life has dealt us.”

The Melfort Old People’s Home currently accommodates 20 residents, comprising 18 men and two women. The oldest resident, Blande Jamba, is an impressive 103 years old, while the youngest, Simon Murenga, is 72 years old.

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