Disturbing Twist: Mbanje session in CBD turns horrifying as man gets sod0mised at knife-point


Two men from Old Magwegwe suburb in Bulawayo have been apprehended for their alleged involvement in a heinous act of s0d0mizing and assaulting a 22-year-old man. The incident took place on August 15th at approximately 5:30 PM in a flat located in the city’s central business district. The suspects have been identified as Themba Nyoni (35) and Petros Tshuma (42).

According to reports, the victim, who resides in Queens Park, encountered Nyoni after finishing work. Nyoni enticed him by suggesting he wanted to show him his place of residence, and the unsuspecting victim agreed to accompany him. They proceeded to a flat in the CBD, where Tshuma resides. Upon arrival, they began smoking dagga (marijuana), after which Tshuma left the premises, locking the door behind him.

Allegedly, Nyoni coerced the victim into engaging in ɑnɑl interc0urse, despite the victim’s refusal. Reportedly, Nyoni brandished an okapi knife, threatening to harm the victim if he did not comply. Fearing for his safety, the victim reluctantly complied and engaged in the act.

During the ƨǝxuɑl assault, Tshuma re-entered the premises and observed the situation briefly before departing again, leaving the door locked until Nyoni had finished abusing the victim. Following the incident, Nyoni and Tshuma reportedly confronted the victim outside, accusing him of stealing their cellphones. A passer-by witnessed the assault and intervened, preventing further harm to the victim.

The incident was reported to the police, leading to the arrest of both suspects. Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the occurrence and issued a warning to the public, emphasizing that criminal acts will be met with legal consequences. Inspector Ncube stated, “The suspect will learn the hard way that failing to restrain oneself leads to prosecution.”

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