Chaos as man bashes prison officer right in front of the magistrate and bolts out of courtroom


Kezi Court Strengthens Sentence for Repeat Offender

The Kezi resident magistrate’s court reinforced consequences for an unrepentant 19-year-old criminal with an increased jail term. Banele Ncube appeared on charges of assaulting a prison officer and escaping from lawful custody. He had pleaded guilty to these offences as well as a previous conviction for attacking another man.

During consideration of the case, the magistrate took into account Ncube’s serious and repeated unlawful behaviour. He expressed concern about deterring future crimes and the need to reform the defendant. Prosecutors also highlighted Ncube’s undermining of the justice system by assaulting an officer in the courtroom before trying to flee over a perimeter fence.

For assaulting the prison officer, Ncube received 3 months plus 6 months of a past suspension added. On the escape charge, another 3 months was imposed with 1 month suspension dependent on good behaviour. In total, an 11 month custodial sentence was deemed warranted by the circumstances.

The magistrate further noted that Ncube was also a repeated offender who had refused to act his age.

On September 6 this year, Ncube gave a man named Praymore Mhlanga a lift from Bango Business Centre to Maphisa.

When they arrived in Maphisa, Ncube asked for his money and Mhlanga told him that he had US$100. He requested to look for change and that did not go down well with Ncube who grabbed him and pulled him out of the car before he punched and kicked him.

Mhlanga reported the assault to police, leading to Ncube’s arrest. In court, Ncube was sentenced to 12 months in prison, with 6 months suspended on the condition he commit no similar crimes in the next 5 years. The remaining six months were further suspended on condition that he performs 210 hours of community service.

Unfortunately, Ncube failed to perform the required community service. As a result, the court issued a warrant for his arrest.

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