Land Grab Chaos: War veterans in serious trouble after invading a farm


War veterans face prosecution for illegal invasion of former ambassador’s son’s farm

A group of war veterans from Mashonaland West in Zimbabwe is now facing legal action after allegedly invading a farm owned by Tirivafi Kangai, the son of Zimbabwe’s former ambassador to the United Nations. The war veterans, who are associated with the Zvimba East Veterans Investment Company (Zevic), have been accused of unlawfully parcelling out housing stands at Penrose Farm, located west of Nyabira Township.

Kangai has been engaged in a lengthy battle to regain control of the 251-hectare farm ever since it was taken over by the war veterans, led by individuals identified as Cde Mike Chingadzo, Cde Clifford Rutsate, Cde Fanuel, Cde Cornelius Muwoni, Cde Joel Mazhambe, and Cde Joe Chimhonyo, who are reportedly the directors of Zevic.

Police records obtained by Standard People indicate that the accused individuals invaded the farm, established roads, demarcated residential stands, installed a borehole, and erected wooden cabins that they are currently using as offices. Furthermore, they have been advertising and selling residential stands to unsuspecting buyers, accepting payments ranging from US$3,600 to US$16,000. These actions are in direct violation of section 63 of the Land Commission Act Chapter 20:29, which pertains to the purported alienation of gazetted or other state land.

The Zevic directors are scheduled to appear in Chinhoyi magistrate court on February 6 to face charges related to their illegal activities on the farm. The sale of housing stands without proper authorization has caused significant disruption for Kangai, who had plans to invest in the property and had already begun securing it with permanent fencing and installing center pivots. This invasion has caused further delays and complications in his farming projects.

Last year, the Zvimba Rural District Council issued a statement warning the public against purchasing residential stands from the war veterans, emphasizing that the land development in question was illegal. The council made it clear that anyone claiming to sell residential stands on the property was doing so unlawfully.

Zanu PF, the ruling party, recently distanced itself from individuals using its name to illegally occupy urban farms and sell housing stands to home seekers. The government and police have also expressed their determination to take stern action against illegal land occupation.

This incident highlights the ongoing challenges surrounding land ownership and illegal activities in Zimbabwe, particularly the encroachment on private properties and the unlawful sale of residential stands. As the legal proceedings unfold, the affected parties hope for a resolution that upholds the rule of law and protects property rights.

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