Suspended Macheso dancer Majuice speaks on joining forces with Franco Slomo reports


In a video circulating on social media, suspended dancer Majuice from Orchestra Mberikwazvo has issued an apology to fans, management, and band leader Alick Macheso.

“I want to sincerely apologise to the fans, my fellow band members, the management team, and especially to Father Macheso,” Majuice said in the video.

“I acknowledge that I made a mistake that let the band down. Missing those critical hours caused confusion among the fans.”

He went on to accept his punishment, emphasising that there are no hard feelings between him and Macheso.

Majuice also addressed rumours of him joining forces with former Macheso dancer Franco Slomo.

“Social media might be saying otherwise, but that poster circulating is fake, “I’m not going anywhere. I remain a member of Macheso’s Orchestra Mberikwazvo.”

News reports indicate that Majuice’s suspension was caused by repeated incidents of arriving late for shows.

The final straw reportedly came during Macheso’s recent tour in Masvingo, where Majuice’s late arrival caused significant delay in his appearance on stage. The Standard.

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