34-year-old unlicensed kombi driver jailed after horrific bridge accident

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In a stark warning to the plague of unlicensed public transport operators, a 34-year-old man was slapped with a 12-month jail sentence after a harrowing accident that injured four passengers. The man, whose identity has not been disclosed, was found guilty of driving without a valid license and negligent driving.

According the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe, the incident occurred on March 20th, 2024, as the accused was transporting eight passengers along the dusty Zvipani-Kemapondo road in a commuter omnibus. Authorities say the driver failed to properly engage the gear while exiting the Kachenje Bridge, causing the vehicle to roll back and collide with safety pillars before plunging into the bridge below.

In addition to the jail time, the accused was also slapped with a 2-year ban on applying for any driver’s license. Prosecutors successfully argued that the man’s actions amounted to a serious breach of the Road Traffic Act, highlighting his failure to engage the proper gear, his lack of a valid driver’s license, and his inability to control the vehicle and prevent the accident.

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