Marriɑge collapses as hubby snatches wife’s phone and sees her lula lula chats with ex-b0yfriend

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A young couple’s mɑrriɑgǝ is on the rocks after the man discovered some int!mate chats his wife was having with her ex-l0ver.

This angered the husband who then allegedly assaulted his wife, leaked the int!mate chats to all her relatives and friends and later damaged her phone.

Llody Kudzai Mushinye (27) appeared before Harare Magistrate Mr Dennis Mangosi last Friday charged with physical abuse, cyber bullying, harassment and malicious damage to property.

Prosecuting, Mr Zebediah Bofu alleged that on April 2, at around 9pm, Mushinye was with his wife Sherees Chitowa (26) were slǝǝping in their matrim0nial bedr00m when Chitowa smiled whilst chatting on her cellphone.

This did not go well with Mushinye who snatched his wife’s phone and started to scroll the WhatsApp chat.

He then discovered that his wife was having an int!mate WhatApp conversation with her ex-b0yfriend.

He took the cell phone and hid it in the car and in retaliation, his wife also took his and refused to give it back.

At around 6am, Mushinye asked for his phone but Chitowa refused.

He threatened to send the messages to his wife’s relatives and friends and out of anger Mushinye, pulled her off the bed and dragged her.

This compelled Chitowa to give her husband the phone but she did not get hers back.

After the fight, Mushinye went out of the house and locked his wife inside the house.

He then took advantage of his wife’s phone and posted the int!mate messages his wife was having with her ex-b0yfriend to her parents, relatives and friends.

The matter came to light when Chitowa was confronted by her friends and family about the messages.

Later on the same day at around 4pm, Chitowa packed her belongings and still, her husband refused to give her back the cell phone, laptop and other belongings.

Mushinye then used an unknown object to damage the complainant’s HAUWEI P40 Lite cell phone.

This was discovered on April 11 when Mushinye handed over the phone to his wife’s lawyers.

The value of the damaged phone is US$100 and nothing was recovered.

— Herald

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