WhatsApp finally adds the one feature every user has been begging for…and it’s a game changer


This publication has over the past several years reported incidents – some that turned fatal – of couples fighting over WhatsApp chats found in one spouse or lover’s phone, which infuriated the other party resulting in often violent confrontations.

If a new WhatsApp security feature is anything to go by, that might now be a thing of the past.

WhatsApp users will soon be able to lock and hide conversations, thanks to a new feature.

Chat Lock will remove a chat thread from the app’s regular onscreen inbox and place it into a new folder that can only be opened by a password or biometric, such as facial recognition or a fingerprint.

Calling it “one more layer of security”, Meta – WhatsApp’s parent company – added Chat Lock will protect “your most intimate conversations” and hide notifications from them.

“We believe this feature will be great for people who share their phones from time to time with a family member, or in moments where someone else is holding your phone at the exact moment an extra-special chat arrives,” Meta said.

Users can lock a chat by tapping the name of a one-to-one or group and selecting the lock option. To reveal the chats, one must slowly pull down on their inbox and enter a password or biometric.

As part of its privacy package, Meta allows WhatsApp users to encrypt their backups, block the ability to screenshot and make their messages disappear automatically.

— BMetro/Reuters

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