LATEST: Defiant recalled CCC MPs make bold move

CCC deputy spokesperson Gift Ostallos Siziba

Defiant ousted MPs file for by-elections under CCC banner

Despite the risk of disqualification, former legislators from the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) have courageously filed for nomination to contest the upcoming February 3 by-elections under the banner of the main opposition party.

This move comes after their colleagues faced disqualification earlier this month.

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The Nomination Court convened at various centres across the country on Monday to receive candidate nominations for constituencies including Pelandaba-Tshabalala, Mkoba North, Chegutu West, Zvimba East, Seke, and Goromonzi South.

These by-elections were triggered by a controversial recall order issued by self-styled party interim secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu, resulting in the removal of numerous party MPs, Senators, and councillors.

Among the ousted CCC MPs seeking a return to the august house are Gift Ostallos Siziba, Stephen Chatiza, Madzimbamuto Tapfumanei, Admore Chivero, Mutasa Oliver, and Chibaya Amos.

During the December 9 by-elections, the CCC MPs who filed under the party’s name were barred from contesting by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) following Tshabangu’s court application to block their participation. The Nomination Court had already concluded the process, leaving them unable to file as independent candidates.

Faced with this dilemma, the second batch of ousted legislators, eager to regain their positions, opted to defy the odds and filed for nomination under the CCC banner.

Ostallos Siziba, the party’s deputy spokesperson, commented on the decision, emphasizing that surrendering the party they founded to Tshabangu would be an undeserved victory for him. In a social media post, Siziba stated, “We can’t surrender a party we founded to a tortoise working for Zanu PF!”

Promise Mkwananzi, in another social media post, asserted that the ban on recalled party candidates was suspended due to a Supreme Court appeal filed subsequently. Mkwananzi clarified that the narrative suggesting their candidates should have run as independent candidates was false, as their appeals had suspended the court order’s effect until the Supreme Court makes a determination.

As these by-elections draw near, the fate of the brave ousted CCC legislators remains uncertain. Their decision to contest under the party’s banner, despite the risks, reflects their determination to reclaim their positions and make a political statement.

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